Hearing Coins Dropping – What Does it Mean?

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Most of us are familiar with the film Poltergeist. It made us all petrified of spirits.  Ghosts, poltergeists, shadow people, all can send shivers down your spine.

They are the darker side of the paranormal realm, and most people wish to never encounter one.

A poltergeist is described as a ghost or supernatural being that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as making loud noises or throwing objects around.

While this sounds fairly harmless, poltergeists are often associated with negative energy, manifesting themselves in bad environments where there are strong emotions at play.

There are many, many cases recorded of poltergeist hauntings that just cannot be explained.

These go from mild cases of small noises around the house to full-on hauntings where families have had to flee their homes.

Usually, poltergeist activity doesn’t present itself as such until further investigation – but one common occurrence happens that has now been linked to paranormal activity – the sound of coins dropping.

Dropping Coins Associated With Paranormal Activity

With even just a small amount of research, an alarming amount of people can be found reporting the same story.

While each story happens a little differently – each one either has the noise of dropping coins or has actual coins seemingly falling from the sky inexplicably.

These coins seem to materialize out of nowhere and fall to the ground. This can happen outdoors or indoors, night or day.

It is such a strange phenomenon, why would coins be the chosen signal of supernatural activity?

It has come to be accepted among the paranormal community that these instances of dropping coins signal poltergeist activity.

A lot of the time, this event happens to those who are aware of the spiritual world around them, so they can easily pick up on the signs of a spirit present.

What Could The Coins Mean?

There are a few different theories of why coins are used as a mean of contact from the other side.

Some say that it has to do with the significance of coins being placed on the eyes of the dead, and others think it is just a neat little item that is shiny and makes a noise when dropped, kind of signaling “hey, I am here!”

Whatever the significance may be, the stories are all eerily similar, and there can be no doubt that there is some strange energy at work when these coins are dropped from nowhere.

Stories Of Dropping Coins

Hundreds of coin dropping stories flood the web, showing just how prevalent this occurrence is.

To see if you have experienced something similar to the other hundreds of people who have gone through this, read through some of the below accounts.

Each is unique but each contains those inexplicable coins.

A boyfriend and girlfriend were lying in bed together when they were suddenly woken up by the sound of coins dropping on his dresser.

They even claimed that it sounded as if the coins were spinning before coming to a stop. After getting up to look for the coins, they couldn’t find a trace of them anywhere.

The morning after that, their backdoor opened on its own three times, once at three in the morning, only to be found open again after being closed. The coins were the first sign of poltergeist activity in the home, and the family soon realized this after the occurrences with the back door.

In a family home, the children would hear coins being dropped and rolling along the wooden floors above them in the middle of the night.

After running to their parents’ rooms, the parents set off to investigate. They never found any trace of the coins.

A pair of friends claim that coins drop every night at their house, and they are actually able to collect these coins.

They are only described as small in size, but they have no currency. Soon after these coins were found, a box of tissue exploded in the house, leaving tissues everywhere.

They claim that the coins drop in different places each night, and even get thrown across the room sometimes.

This is one of the bolder stories, as most only consist of hearing the coins, and not actually finding them and being able to keep them.

A more unique coin story, a person online says that they were with their sister and her boyfriend.

At the same time, they all heard a plastic cup full of coins being thrown at the window and then fall to the ground.

They claim many coins were heard falling once being hit against the window.

It happened at about 1 or 2 in the morning, and it was really dark outside.

They went to investigate and found absolutely no trace of the coins or the cup.

They even checked again in the morning, in case they had missed something in the dark, but still, there was nothing.

Is It A Haunting?

If you live in a busy city or an apartment block, it might be difficult to differentiate between noise from neighbors or disturbances from the street outside.

However, if you keep hearing noises like coins dropping or notice other strange happenings around your house, you might be experiencing a haunting.

It might start small, you may notice things changing places around the house without you moving it, or things falling off shelves for no apparent reasons.

This might then lead to noises in the middle of the night, footsteps in the hall, banging or the infamous sound of coins dropping.

All of the signs that you might have a visitor in your house, one that wasn’t necessarily invited in.

Many people report seeing shadows out of the corner of their eye, people moving in their peripheral.

These shadows don’t seem the same as a poltergeist haunting, and these peripheral beings have been given the name “shadow people”.

Dropping coins have coincided with the sightings of shadow people, and the two can be linked just the same as poltergeist can be linked with dropping coins.

If you do feel like there could be a ghost or spirit in your home, you should consider getting an EMF meter, like this popular one from Amazon.

Who Are The Shadow People?

At first, shadow people appear as blurs in your peripheral vision.

They are hard to decipher, they sometimes look to be in human form, but they often disappear before you can properly make them out.

Most people shake this off as just a misconception or a dust particle floating by, but that feeling lingers.

A feeling that someone is there, just in the corner of your consciousness.

A shadow that cannot be seen or touched, but its presence is felt. You won’t forget this feeling, it will stay with you.

You might even see this shadow out of the corner of your eye a few times more.

There are a handful of people that say their experiences started out like this, and as much as they tried to forget it, they couldn’t escape the feeling that someone was there, until one day they were confronted with a shadow person right in front of them, as real as can be.

These shadow people can appear to have a hat on, to be cloaked, or simply just a wispy figure.

Each person who has experienced these shadow people has had different feelings from them.

Some feel that they are benevolent, that they stand guardian over their chosen people.

Others think that these shadow people are more malicious, and come baring evil intentions.

A third feeling is that these are beings stuck between dimensions, not able to take on a physical form as they don’t really exist in our realm.

Whatever they actually are, it cannot be denied that there is a link between the dropping of coins and the appearance of shadow people.

Often, both are experienced in the same evening, or within a short while of each other.

If nothing else, the appearance of both can maybe help you realize you aren’t actually losing your mind!

Coin Dropping In Your Home

If you wake up in the middle of the night to the sudden sound of coins dropping, don’t freak out.

It might just be a harmless poltergeist looking to let you know he is around.

Most of the time people just rule it out as their imaginations or just something that happens every day in all other houses.

But if you really open your eyes, you might start noticing other strange occurrences in your house as well.

Once you connect all the puzzle pieces, you might be aware of something more than just random noises in the middle of the night.

If you want to contact the spirit in your home further, it is advisable to contact a professional, or at least read up on ways to do so safely.

There are also easy ways to cleanse your home of spirits, such as using sage smudge sticks and placing crystals and herbs around your house.

Remember that spirits should be respected, no matter if they seem harmless or not.

If you are lucky enough to hear coins dropping during the night, document it.

There are many enthusiasts out there who want to hear your story!

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