Ouija boards have a reputation to be feared. Many people are nervous to dabble in conversation with spirit, as they should be. But when done right, and when using proper protection and precautions, Ouija boards…
5 Best Free Ghost Apps of 2019
If you are a newbie looking to head out on your first ghost hunt, you probably don’t want to spend a ton of cash gearing yourself up to catch the existence of the paranormal. Or…
What Do Ghosts Sound Like?
There is no definitive sound that a ghost makes. They don’t have their own dictionary with sounds and words they might use. This makes it a bit difficult for us to understand what ghosts actually…
How To Find A Ghost In 13 Simple Steps
Setting out to find a ghost can be so exciting and exhilarating. It requires some planning and research, but it can be so rewarding if you finally make contact with a spirit, or catch evidence…
Ghosts Vs. Spirits – The Definitive Guide
The terms ghosts and spirits are often used interchangeably, but they are two very different beings. Ghosts and spirits appear and feel differently to each other, and it isn’t too difficult to tell the difference…
5 Best Ghost Apps For iPhone [2019]
Let’s be honest, there is nobody more loyal than an iPhone user. iPhones are pretty powerful tools. You can do nearly anything on your iPhone, and for most people, the best part is that it…
The 4 Best Spirit Box Apps of 2019
Connecting with the spirit world is an opportunity for us to expand our earthly knowledge and connect with lost loved ones. Exploring the spirit realm is a way for us to find solace in the…
Dreaming Of A Dead Relative Being Alive – What Does It Mean?
Have you experienced a dream where a lost loved one visits you and is alive? It can be the most exciting, and confusing, dream to have. You may have thought you would never see them…
11 Signs A Ghost Is In Your Room
Sitting in your room at night, do you ever feel like you are not alone? That there could be someone else there, watching over you, reaching out to you? Have you ever wanted to find…
Why Grant Wilson Left Ghost Hunters and TAPS
Any ghost hunting enthusiast, or even just someone who likes to channel surf, is more than familiar with Ghost Hunters. It is a paranormal show that has captivated many and kept us all in suspense….